Clemson Old Women (COWs)
In the Spring of 1998, Clemson Women's Rugby decided to form an Alumni team since many of our players were graduating that semester. We were modeling ourselves after the Clemson Men's Alumni team, otherwise known as Clemson Old Boys (COB) Rugby. On a drunken night in Savannah, Georgia, one of the COB rugby members asked us what we were going to name our alumni team. We never really thought about it but we just figured we would be called the Clemson Old Girls. All of a sudden, another COB rugby member started mooing like a cow. None of us understood why he was doing this, but we finally realized he was implying that we should be called Clemson Old Women. That was the night that COW rugby was started.
COWs game 2017
We take our COW symbol very seriously. When a dedicated member of our team graduates, we give them a black and white striped jersey with a pink patch number on the back. In the fall of 1998, we had our first annual Alumni weekend and the COWs kicked ass. We hope every fall the Clemson undergraduates will have the opportunity to meet their alumni. Alumni matches will be scheduled on the same weekend of the Homecoming Football game.